
2017 Run For Beauty 温馨提示 Pre - race tips

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿

( English text is followed after Chinese one. )

2017 Run For Beauty 即将在6月17日下午15 : 30于杭州千禧度假酒店举行。以下温馨提示,请各位选手仔细阅读,并做好比赛的行程安排,包含住宿、交通等。预祝大家 2017 Run For Beauty 顺利完赛!

一 、基础信息

- 运营推广单位


- 赛事合作伙伴

杭州风雪户外用品股份有限公司 / 杭州千禧度假酒店

- 赛事执行


- 竞赛日期及地点

2017年6月17日( 星期六 ) 15 : 30 杭州千禧度假酒店

- 比赛项目

1. Lover - 12公里双人组,两人组队( 组队形式:男女 / 男男 / 女女 );累计爬升476米;

2. Available - 21公里单人组 ,男女单人;累计爬升890米。

- 比赛路线

请点击玩赛小助手查看比赛路线或登录2017 Run For Beauty 赛事官网 hangzhou.huluanpao.com 查询。


- 领取地点

杭州风雪户外狮虎桥店 : 杭州市下城区狮虎桥路8号

- 领取办法

报名成功的参赛者于6月16日( 周五 ) 10 : 00 - 20 : 00以及6月17日8 : 00 - 14 : 00,携带领物单和身份证原件至杭州风雪户外狮虎桥店 : 杭州市下城区狮虎桥路8号( 电话 : 0571 - 87022117 )领取比赛装备,包括 : 号码布、计时设备、背袋、参赛礼品等。参赛包不允许代领。

( Lover - 12公里双人组 女生参赛礼品 由氧气提供 )

( Lover - 12公里双人组 男生参赛礼品 由氧气提供 )

( Available - 21公里单人组 选手参赛礼品 由跑山狗提供 )

- 领物单下载

1. 登录 2017 Run For Beauty 赛事官方网站,点击“ 赛事报名 ” - “ 报名查询 ”,输入证件号码查询参赛号码,并下载领物单;

2. 登录湖乱跑官方公众账号,点击“ 马上报名 ” - “ 报名查询 ”,输入证件号码查询参赛号码,并下载领物单;

3. 点击阅读原文,输入证件号码查询参赛号码,并下载领物单。

- 已通过湖乱跑官方微店预订杭州千禧度假酒店的参赛选手,可在办理酒店入住时,在酒店前台领取参赛包。


- 号码布

1. 组委会提供一大一小两张号码布。请选手将大号码布佩戴于胸前,另外确保用防水笔正确填写号码布背后的紧急联系信息。

2. 小号码布放置存包袋外侧透明口袋中用于存包。

- 计时手环

1. 请将计时手环佩戴在手腕上;

2. 所有选手在进入起跑区域前出示计时手环检录;在CP点出示计时手环打卡( 缺检录及任何打卡点成绩,将无比赛成绩 );在到达终点后,将手环主动归还;

3. 未归还的选手,请赛后联系组委会 021 - 65673828。

- 强制装备及建议装备

由于比赛将从下午15 : 30出发,部分选手将会在夜间进行部分赛段比赛,且由于天气的不确定性,参赛选手需要带好以下强制装备并根据个人实际情况携带建议装备。组委会在赛前将不会进行强制装备检查,但会在CP2对强制装备进行抽查。如遇选手未携带强制装备,组委会有权取消该选手的比赛资格。


1. 一部充满电的手机;

2. 一只头灯 / 手电;

3. 一只救生哨;

4. 一张急救毯或类似保暖毯;

5. 一份尺寸至少为7.5cm * 2.3m的压缩绷带;

6. 容量不少于1L的水袋或水壶;

7. 一只个人垃圾袋;

8. 一个能够容纳所有强制装备的背包;

9. 少量现金。


1) 能量食品;

2) 一只便携水杯( 各个补给站内不提供任何纸杯, 请自备水杯 / 容器以便在补给站享用饮品 / 汤食 );

3) 太阳镜或空顶帽;

4) 防摩擦膏;

5) 带高度显示与指南针功能的GPS手表;

6) 较为齐全的个人医护包,较为齐全的个人医护包( 内含:纱布、绷带、消毒纸巾、创可贴止痛药、解暑药品及任何适当的个人药品 );

7) 防水密封袋。

- 前往起点 / 离开终点

2017 Run For Beauty 赛事起点位于杭州千禧度假酒店。参赛选手可乘坐公交车、的士、滴滴打车等交通方式到达及离开赛事起终点区域。


- 存 / 取包

时间 :存包 6月17日 13 : 00 - 15 : 20 / 取包截止比赛当天21 : 00

地点 : 杭州千禧度假酒店

存取包凭证 : 存包时将小号码布放置在存包袋外侧透明口袋中,号码朝外;取包时出示参赛号码布。

- 集合时间

参赛运动员必须于6月17日下午15 : 20前到起点按竞赛项目及号码布分类 / 分区,分别进行排队集结,15 : 30鸣枪起跑;


- 参赛保险与医疗救护

1. 组委会为所有参赛者和工作人员购买比赛期间的人身意外伤害保险,若由于参赛者报名信息填写不全或不真实造成无法购买保险或者保险无效,责任由参赛者自负;

2. 赛事组委会沿路线补给站及终点处各设立固定医疗点;赛事组委会将在固定医疗点、补给站安排志愿者和工作人员,协助医疗救护、维护比赛秩序,参赛者在沿途有问题可以随时拨打号码布上的应急电话求助。

- 赛道标示

1. 赛道路标包括指示牌、路标以及公里牌;

2. 关键路口有赛事志愿者指引;

3. 路标图示如下。

- 关门时间

Lover - 12公里双人组3小时
Available - 21公里单人组4小时

- 奖励办法

1. Lover - 12km组( 双人 ):男女组 / 男男组 / 女女组各取枪声成绩前三名,并获得相应奖品;

2. Available - 21km组( 单人 ):男 / 女各取枪声成绩男女前三名,并获得相应奖品;

3. 所有组别:规定时间内完赛者均发给完赛礼品。请注意,Lover – 12km组两位队员必须在关门时间内,同时到达终点并打卡即算完赛。

注意 : 以上奖励办法不适用于NATHAN极简队伍

- 赛后福利区域

1. 跑山狗 x Stanley

a. 所有参赛选手均可在跑山狗 x Stanley展位购买跑山狗啤酒及优惠购买Stanley产品;

b. 所有参赛选手均可在跑山狗 x Stanley展位购买8瓶跑山狗啤酒,获赠Stanley水杯一个;数量有限。

2. 美国 MoveFree 维骨力

现场摊位抽奖,中奖率100%!凭号码布可参与抽奖1次,挑战“ 健康指压板 ”,抽奖次数翻倍!限量 300瓶!

MoveFree 的兄弟品牌 杜蕾斯Durex 也将参与互动活动。Air空气套免费送,仅限100盒!




更多关于2017 Run For Beauty 的赛事信息,请登录赛事官方网站hangzhou.huluanpao.com 或者湖乱跑官方公众账号查询,谢谢!

2017 Run For Beauty will be held at Millennium Resort Hangzhou at 3 : 30p.m. on June 17. Please read through the following pre - race tips carefully and make good arrangements for your travel, accommodations, transportations and soon. We wish you a safe race!

I. Basic Information

- Host

Shanghai Skyview Sport Co.,Ltd.

- Co - Operation

Hangzhou FXOutdoor,Millennium Resort Hangzhou

- Organizer

Hangzhou Yuanwei Culture and Art Planning Co., Ltd.

- Race Date and Location

June 17, 2017, Saturday, 3 :30 p.m., Millennium Resort Hangzhou

- Events

1. Lover - 12km Doubles, two runners as a team ( could be formed by a man and a woman, two men or two women); with an aggregate elevation gain of 476m.

2. Available - 21km Singles,an individual man or woman; with an aggregate elevation gain of 890 m.

- Route Map

Please click on RaceOn below to find the route maps or log onto the official website hangzhou.huluanpao.com to find the route maps of the race.

II. Pick up of Race Packet

- Pick up location

Hangzhou FXoutdoor shihu bridge store / No. 8 shihu Bridge Road,Xiacheng District,Hangzhou

- How to pick them up

Participants who have successfully registered for the race will have to pick up their race gear at fxoutdoor shihu bridge store( No. 8 shihu Bridge Road,Xiacheng District,Hangzhou;TEL : 0571 - 87022117 ) with their race packet pickup slips and original IDs on June 16, Friday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., or on June17, Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The race gear will include a bib number, a timing devices, a backsack and so on. Only participants themselves can pick up their own race packets.

- How to download the race packet pickup slips

1. Log onto the official website of 2017 Run For Beauty.Click on " Registration " - " Registration status check " and enter your ID card number to find your bib number and download your Race packet pickup slips .

2. Enter into Huluanpao official wechat account.Click on “ 马上报名 ” - “ 报名查询 ” and enter your ID card number to find your bib number and download your Race packet pickup slips .

3. Click on " Read more / 阅读原文 ” at the end of this article.Enter your ID card number to find your bib number and download your Race packet pickup slips .

- Participants who booked the hotel in Millennium Resort Hangzhou via Huluanpao wechat shop can pick up your race packet when you check in.

III. Preparation before the race

- BIB Number

1. The committee will provide participants with two bib numbers, one large and one small. Please correctly fill in the emergency contact information on the backside of the large bib number with waterproof marker and pin it onto the front side of your race T - shirt.

2. The small bib number should be inserted into the transparent pocket on the outside of the packet for deposit use.

- Timing bracelet

1. Please wear the timing bracelet on your wrist.

2. Before entering the starting zone all runners are required to show their timing bracelets to check in. When arriving at the checkpoints, all runners are required to show their timing bracelets to check - in. ( Lack of a time check - in at the start point or at any check points will result in absence in timing. ) It’s required to give back the timing bracelets after the runners reach the finish line.

3. For those who don’t give back the timing bracelets in time, please call 021 - 65673828 to contact the race committee after the race.

- Mandatory and Recommended Gear

The race will be started at 3 : 30 p.m., so part of the participants will still be racing during the night.Additionally, the weather condition could be unpredictable. Therefore participants are required to carry with them the following mandatory gear as well as the recommended gear based on their own needs.The race committee will not do gear check before the race, but will spot check mandatory gear in the process of the race. If any participants are found not carrying all mandatory gear, the committee has the right to disqualify them.

Mandatory Gear List:

1) 1 x fully charged mobile phone;

2) 1 x headlamp or torch;

3) 1 x whistle;

4) 1 x emergency blanket or equivalent;

5) 1 x compression bandage ( minimum dimensions 7.5cm wide x 2.3m long );

6) Water bottles or bladders with a capacity to carry at least 1 litre of water;

7) 1 x trash bag for your personal rubbish;

8) 1 x backpack that can hold all of the mandatory gear;

9) Small amount of cash.

Recommended Gear List:

1) Energy - boosting food;

2) 1 x portable cup; ( No disposable cups will be provided at the checkpoints. Please bring along this or any other types of cup to enjoy the beverages and soups provided at the checkpoints. )

3) Sun glasses or empty top hat;

4) Anti - chafing cream;

5) GPS watch with altimeter and compass function;

6) More substantial first - aid kit; ( sterile dressings, roll of strapping tape, antiseptic wipes, band - aids, painkillers, heat relief medicines and any other personal medications )

7) Waterproof zip - lock bag.

- Travel to the start location / Travel from the finish location

2017 Run For Beauty will be started at Millennium Resort Hangzhou. The available options for transporting to and from the start / finish area include buses, taxis, Didi and so on.

Due to the limited parking space in Millennium Resort Hangzhou, the use of the hotel parking lot will be restricted to hotel guests only, including runners who lodge there. Runners who drive there will have to find parking lots out of the hotel by themselves.

- Bag Deposit and Bag Claim

Bag Deposit : June 16, 13 :00 a.m. - 15 : 20 a.m.

Bag Claim : Till 9 p.m.on the race day

Location : Millennium Resort Hangzhou

Proof of bag deposit and claim : Please insert the small bib number into the transparent pocket of the race packet, with the race number facing outside.Bib number must be shown to the staff for bag claim.

- Gathering Time

All participants must arrive at the corrals correspondent with their events before 3 : 20 p.m.,June 17. The race will be started at 3 : 30 p.m. with a gunshot.

IV. Other

- Insurance and Medical Aid

1. The race committee will purchase personal accident insurances for all participants and staff. If insurances can’t be purchased or are invalidated due to incomplete or false information provided by the participants, it shall be the participants who take the responsibility.

2. Medical aid stations will be set up along the course as well as at the finish location. There will be volunteers and staff at every medical aid station and every refreshment station to assist with medical care and maintain race order. Whenever there are problems along the course, participants can call the emergency number printed on the bib number to ask for help.

- Navigating

1. The race course will be marked with ribbons,flags and printed signs.

2.Volunteers will help runners on key junctions.

3. Ribbon as shown above.

- Cut - off Time

EventCut-Off Time
Lover - 12km Doubles3 hours
Available - 21km Singles4 hours

- Awards

1. Lover - 12km Doubles: the top three teams( official time ) in Man - Woman group, Man - Man group and Woman - Woman group will be awarded respectively;

2. Available - 21km Singles: the top three male and female runners( official time ) will be awarded respectively;

3. Both events: Runners who finish the race within the time limits will receive a finisher’s award. Please note that in Lover - 12km Doubles both team members must arrive at the finish location at the same time within the time limit.

Remark : The above mentioned rules are not applicable for TEAM NATHAN MINIMALISM.

- The after - race entertainment

1. Running Dog x Stanley

a. All runners can purchase Stanley’s products with a discount at the Running Dog x Stanley booth.

b. Runners who purchase 8 bottles of Running Dog beer will be gifted with a Stanley cup.Only limited numbers are available.

2. MoveFree

Raffle at the booth with a 100% chance of winning. Each bib number is allowed to take part in one raffle. However, by challenging the shiatsu sheet you can win one more chance of raffle! Only 300 bottles are available.

MoveFree’s sibling brand Durex will be a part of the activity as well. 100 boxes of DurexAir will be given out for free!


All runners can take part in the Gear Ring - toss Game. Each bib number is allowed for one free toss. The NATHAN booth has prepared you interesting and great running gear.Come and toss a ring to take them home!

For more race information,please log onto the official website of the race hangzhou.huluanpao.com or follow the official account of Huluanpao on Wechat.




Email / service@skyviewsport.com

Tel / + 86 21 65673828

Address / 上海市杨浦区隆昌路619号10号A楼312室

Room 312, Building 10 A, No 619, Long Chang Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200090

浙江省 杭州市