
2017 玉龙雪山超级越野跑 重要信息提醒

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿



赛道坐落于玉龙雪山南侧,以玉龙雪山经典徒步线路为主。超级越野跑50km组起点设于距丽江古城10公里的著名景点拉市海湿地公园,线路途经文海、丽江高山植物园、玉龙第一峰、玉柱擎天、蚂蝗坝及赛道最高点玉龙大峡谷( 4460m),终点设置于玉龙雪山脚下的古村落玉湖村。天空竞速赛21km组别线路是超级越野跑50km组别线路的后半段,从玉柱擎天出发,终点也位于玉湖村。




2016年 12-25℃
2015年 13-26℃ 多云
2014年 15-26℃ 多云转晴
2013年 12-24℃ 多云
2012年 11-24℃ 多云转晴
2011年 13-25℃ 多云


所有选手必需全程携带所有强制装备,赛事方将在赛道中的计时点随机设置强制装备检查点,一旦发现选手出现强制装备缺失的情况,将严格按照<罚时与取消比赛资格>中的规定进行处理。具体情况请查看赛事网站 www.skyviewsport.com




1. 通过组委会预定上述两个酒店的选手:5月10日、11日赛事组委会安排车辆把选手接送到酒店;

2. 5月14日:颁奖午宴结束后,组委会将选手统一送到机场。

预订上述酒店的选手,将您的航班详细情况在4月30日前发邮件到: service@skyviewsport.com 我们将根据你的航班信息,安排机场接送。


退赛后选手可以在补给站休息,并等候接驳车辆/马匹将选手运送至比赛终点。如果在蚂蝗坝(ULTRA50: SP5; SKYRACE 21:SP1)退赛或者被关门,经组委会判断选手身体状况能继续行走到终点,该选手不记成绩,但能得到纪念奖牌。














Lijiang SkyView Adventure 2017 is to he held from May 11th to 13th in Lijiang.


Racecourse is along the southern side of Yulong Snow Mountain, covering the classic hiking route in this area. Ultra 50km starts at Lashi Lake Wetland Park, which is 10 kilometers away from the old town of Lijiang, then passing Culture Sea, Lijiang Alpine Botanical Garden, Yulong Peak, Skyreach Pilla and Yulong Grand Canyon which is the highest point 4,460m on the course, and ends in Yuhu village which is an ancient village located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain. Skyrace 21km cover the second half of Ultra 50km, starting at Skyreach Pilla and finishing at Yuhu village.

The average altitude is between 2,400m and 4,400m. The course is a mix of horse road, off road, single track and rugged slope with certain technical difficulties. Scenes along the course are varied: glacial erosion lake, alpine meadow, and virgin forest. Incomparable mountain track, stunning snow scenery, great horizons, all you will discover from Lijiang SkyView Adventure 2017.

Weather and compulsory gears

Weather condition in Lijiang during race period over the past six years can be found from this chart(Source: China Meteorological Administration):

2016 12-25℃ Sunny
2015 13-26℃ Cloudy
2014 15-26℃ Cloudy to sunny
2013 12-24℃ Cloudy
2012 11-24℃ Cloudy to sunny
2011 13-25℃ Cloudy

The average altitude of racecourse is between 2,400m to 4,460m. The temperature difference is big between Lijiang county and mountain area. The section between Leech Dam and highest point Yulong Grand Canyon is high-risk section due to factors like windy and low temperature.

All runners must carry all compulsory gears as described below. Random check will be conducted at certain timing point. If anyone found of being lack of compulsory gears, provisions of penalty and disqualification will be applied. Details can be found at www.skyviewsport.com 

Accommodation and transportation

In cooperation with local partners, we will offer premium race service to runners. Details can be found at www.skyviewsport.com

Our cooperative hotels are InterContinental Lijiang Ancient Town Resort and Jing Xi Hotel.

1. Transportation will be arranged for those who reserved hotel package from airport to hotels on May 10th and May 11th.

2. Race organizer will transport all runners to the airport after awarding ceremony lunch on May 14th.

Please reserve hotel and transportation well in advance.If you reserve our cooperative hotels, please e-mail your flight information to service@skyviewsport.com by April 30th. We will arrange airport pick-ups accordingly.

Awarding ceremony and Race packet pick-up

Race packet pick-up and race briefing will be held on May 11th, Awarding ceremony and lunch is to be held at 11:00 on May 14th .

Details will be e-mailed to all runners.


Competitors can withdraw from the race at any aid station, unless having serious illness or any other unexpected emergencies. Those who have withdrawn from the race shall wait at aid station for shuttle bus or horse to transport you back to the finish. If withdrawn or cut off at Leech Dam (SP5 of Ultra 50km and SP1 of Skyrace 21km), runners can choose to proceed to the finish after being assessed by race organizer. In such case, only a souvenir medal will be given instead of a recorded finish time.

If you are considered by medical staff as experiencing risks and it would have negative impact on your personal safety, race organizer reserve the rights to stop you from the race.

KAILAS become our race Top sponsor.

KAILAS will provide race t-shirt, finisher vest, equipment for volunteer and awards.

For the healthy development of the race to provide strong support.

Offical partner

UD will provide race souvenir and awards

Huipao will provide technical support for race safety.

Zhe Li will provide catering supplies.

Lijiang Yu Long Tourism Group will provide hotel and transportation support.

Feel free to consul us at service@skyviewsport.com

More information of the race will inform you by email. Follow our website or wechat account "SkyViewSport"

云南省 丽江市