
2016汇添富南京山地马拉松名额转让和亲友证Transfer and Family Card

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿




1. 注册缴费后,无法取消和退费;

2. 本届赛事严禁替跑,也不允许代领取赛事包;

3. 赛事名额转让朋友:2月22日开始,3月18日截止。费用80元,报名所填表单需含有原选手信息:姓名 证件号码 手机,但不更换之前注册的赛事Tee;

4. 3月19日至3月26日之间需要转让的选手,需提前邮件联系赛事组委会告知,于26日请受让人持身份证原件,领物单、转让者身份证复印件、及覆盖赛事当天的户外保险确认单到领物现场办理转让后领物,转让费用100元。


如亲友需同行为选手加油,可以购买“亲友团服务包”,无论年龄大小费用人民币120元/人,包含当地交通往返和赛事终点餐饮,限50个名额,需填写姓名/证件信息/性别/出生日期/手机号码,3月18日报名截止。亲友名额领取凭证跟领物单一样的领物环节 。










A银城皇冠假日酒店江宁佳湖东路9号025 81038888发车点
B湖滨金陵酒店江宁佳湖东路8号025 52107666250米
C丽湖雅致酒店江宁双龙大道1528号025 52108111800米
D水晶蓝湾公寓酒店江宁双龙大道1568号025 861577881000米
E锦江之星胜太路店江宁双龙大道1680号025 521959881200米
F水秀苑大酒店江宁佳湖西路11号025 521055881300米


(1) 南京银城皇冠假日酒店为3月26日赛事包发放地;

(2) 比赛起终点的南京蟠龙湖度假酒店为赛事工作酒店,赛事期间不对外接受选手预定。




2016 CUAM Nanjing Mountain Marathon, namely the third Nanjing Mountain Marathon, will be held on March 27th at the picturesque Panlong Lake of Nanjing.

No matter how beautiful the spring is, you still might change your plan due to some reason. So we provide you the possibility to transfer your place to your friend.


  • 1. After registration and payment there is no way to cancel your registration or get a refund.
  • 2. No substitutes are allowed in the race or in the pickup of the race packets.
  • 3. You can transfer your place to your friend between February 22nd and March 18th. The charge of the transfer is 80 RMB. Your name, id and cell phone number should have been included in the registration form that you’ve submitted. However, it’s impossible to change the size of the race T-shirt.
  • 4. If you need to transfer your place between March 19th and March 26th, you will have to contact the race committee by email in advance. The person who accepts the transfer needs to attend to the transfer and pick up the race packet at the packet-pickup site with his/her original ID, the packet-pickup form, copy of the transferor’s ID and the insurance form which covers the outdoor activity on the race day. The charge of the transfer is 100 RMB.

Service Pack for Families and Friends

Families and friends can buy “Family Card” if they want to go with runners to the race venue to support them. The same price will be charged for adults and children. That will be 120 RMB per capita, with return trips between downtown and the race venue and meals at the finish location covered. Only 50 places are available. Name, ID, gender, birthday and cell phone number should be provided to purchase a “Family Card”. Registration of the “Family Card” will be closed on March 18th. The procedure to pick up the “Family Card” is the same as the one with race packet pickup.

Link to the place transfer and the purchase of “Family Card”:



Panlong Lake, where the race will be held, is located in Jiangning District of Nanjing, with no access to public transportation. For all runners’ convenience on the race day, the race committee will provide shuttle buses for round trips between downtown and the race venue. There will be traffic controls around the race area. No private vehicles will be allowed.

To the race venue

3/27Crowne Plaza NanjingPanlong Lake6:30-7:00The buses will depart when all seats are taken.

Back to downtown after the race

3/27Panlong LakeCrowne Plaza NanjingFrom 12:00The buses will depart when all seats are taken.


Hotels around the Baijia Lake in Jiangning District are recommended for your convenience to take the shuttle buses on the morning of the race day. The race committee won’t be responsible for hotel reservations for our runners. That being said, we kindly hope the information provided below on hotels around the Baijia Lake will be helpful to you.

 HotelAddressTel.Distance to the departure point
ACrowne Plaza NanjingNo. 9, Jiahu East Road, Jiangning District025 81038888Departure point
BJinling Resort NanjingNo. 8, Jiahu East Road, Jiangning District025 52107666250m
CHotel One NanjingNo. 1528, Shuanglong Avenue, Jiangning District025 52108111800m

Crystal Blue Bay Hotel

No. 1568, Shuanglong Avenue, Jiangning District025 861577881000m
EJinjiang Inn NanjingNo. 1680, Shuanglong Avenue, Jiangning District025 521959881200m
FShuixiu Garden HotelNo.11 Jiahu West Road, Jiangning District025 521055881300m


(3) Crowne Plaza Nanjing will be where race packets are handed out on March 26th.

(4) Panlong Lake Resort Hotel of Nanjing at the start/finish location will be occupied for organizational purpose of the race and will be out of service during the race.

CUAM, one of the most outstanding and most energetic fund companies in China, will be our race’s title sponsor. All aid vehicles in the race will be provided by Jeep. Customized race T-shirts will be provided by Salomon.

CUAM Nanjing Mountain Marathon 2016 will undoubtedly be a dreamy race. If you’ve made up your mind to stand behind the start line of the race on March 27th, please make good arrangements of your vacations and your training plans.

江苏省 南京市