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I. Government Partners
II. Race Organizers
III. Title Sponsor
IV. General Race Events
V. Race Location, Start/Finish Location, Time
VI. Race Route
VII. Race Results & Awards
VIII. Eligibility
IX. Registration & Race Day Procedures
X. Arbitration and Appeal
XI. Insurance
XII Race Committee Contact Information
XIII. Not completely matters, follow further notice.
XIV. This interpretation belongs to the committee procedure.

I. Government Partners:


Siguniang Mountain Scenic Authority
Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Sports Administration
Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Tourism Development Committee

二、 承办单位
II. Race Organizer:


Chengdu Deeptours Outdoor Sports Ltd.
Beijing Sinout International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

III. Title Sponsor:

Zhanjiang Maya Tourism Ltd. (KAILAS Outdoor Sports Brand)

IV. Race Events:


(A) 60-kilometer Ultra Trail Race (YMX Yaomei Line)—capped at 50 athletes
(B) 42-kilometer Trail Marathon Race (DFX Dafeng Line)—capped at 400 athletes

V. Race Location, Start/Finish Location, Time




(A) 60KM runners must report on November 2nd (Wednesday),9am-5:30pm;

42KM runners must report to RiLong Town (entrance town to the 4 Sisters) on either November 2nd (Wednesday) or 3rd (Thursday), 9am-5:30pm.

(B) Location: Aba Xiaojin County, Mt. Siguniang, Haizi Valley Scenic Area.
(C) Start/Finish Line: Mt. Siguniang Scenic Area Visitor Center (Chang Ping Gou Gate)

VI. Race Route:

(A) 60km cross-country race group (YMX Yaomei line)


Visitor Center → Plank → Haizigou Gate → Zhaijieping → Guozhuangping → Chaoshanping → Shibanre → Dajianbao → Back fork → Base Camp→ Camp 2 → Dafeng Pass → Platform → Dafeng Peak → Platform → Dafeng Pass → Camp 2→ Base Camp → Back fork → Huahaiziding → Huahaiziwei → Dahuangpengzi→ Xiniuhai → Shuanghaizi → Dahuangpengzi → Shibulonghai→ Shibulonghai Pass→ Bajiaopenghai→ Laoniuyuanzi→ Dajianbao→ Shibanre→ Chaoshanping→ Guozhuangping→ Zhaijieping→ Haizigou Gate→ Plank →Visitor Center

(B) 42 km mountain marathon group (DFX Dafeng line)


Visitor Center → Plank → Haizigou Gate → Zhaijieping → Guozhuangping → Chaoshanping → Shibanre → Dajianbao → Back fork → Base Camp→ Camp 2 → Dafeng Pass → Platform → Dafeng Peak → Platform → Dafeng Pass → Camp 2→ Base Camp → Back fork → Huahaiziding → Huahaiziwei → Dahuangpengzi→Huahaizi → Dahaizi →Laoniuyuanzi →Dajianbao→ Shibanre→ Chaoshanping→ Guozhuangping→ Zhaijieping→ Haizigou Gate→ Plank → Visitor Center

VII. Race Results & Awards:


1. No prize money is awarded in these races
2. The top three men and women in each category will receive a trophy and prizes
3. All finishers will receive a souvenir medal and finishers’ certificate

VIII. Eligibility:

A. Qualifications:


1) All participants are required to meet the following three basic requirements:
All participants must be at least 18 years of age (born before 1998) and younger than 55 years of age (born after 1961);
Properly trained for and possess physical conditioning and health suitable for participating in all sports activities in high-altitude elevations. Each participant must provide the organizing committee with an official medical health certificate;
During 2015--2016 each participant must have partaken in at least one high-altitude (above 3500 meters) adventure like mountaineering, hiking, trail-running or other such aerobic-based outdoor sports.


2) 60km participants also need to meet any one of the following three conditions:
Competed in and successfully finished the 2015 Kailas Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang 42km Race in less than 11 hours;
OR in 2015 obtained rights to and participated in the 60km UTMS race;
OR in 2015-2016 in either international or China domestic trail races accumulated at least 10 (ten) points under UTMB’s new system or 6 (six) points in the old system obtained from a maximum of up to 3 (three) races.


3) 42km participants need to meet any one of the following four conditions:
In 2015-2016 in either international or China domestic trail races accumulated at least 3 (three) points under UTMB’s new system or 2 (two) points in the old system obtained from a maximum of up to 2 (two) races.
OR in 2014 or 2015 obtained Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang Race 42 km Qualifications;
OR obtained 2015 Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang Race 50 km Relay Finisher’s Certificate;
OR obtained 2015 Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang Race 60 km qualifications.


4) Athlete Exemptions:
If you do not meet the above conditions to register, but yet you still believe that you have the same ability to finish the race, please send to the race committee the following evidence so that you can be reviewed for potential exemption from the above requirements: personal experience related to outdoor sports endeavors/competitions in the last two years, relevant certificates, race results and other pertinent information.
The race registration and race-organizing committees will review your material and provide a response within 7 (seven) working days.
-Race Registration Committee members: 马德民、曹峻、赵紫玉、杨伟太、李敏
-Selection process: Through the use of voting, a participant seeking exemption from the aforementioned registration requirements must garner at least 3 (three) or more votes before they qualify.

B. Participants’ health requirements:


Ultra trail running is a long-distance, high-intensity outdoor sport that involves a high risk of danger. All contestants must have a high level of physical conditioning with sufficient experience and training to ensure a good chance of safely completing either race. Participants need to be in good health and have a sufficient base and history in long distance running. The Organizing Committee requires all participants to provide a 2nd-class medical examination report that has been carried out within the past year to verify there are no physical abnormalities like the following:


1, congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease;
2, hypertension, and cerebrovascular disease;
3, myocarditis and other heart disease;
4, coronary artery disease and serious arrhythmia;
5, abnormally high or low blood sugar/diabetes;
6, pregnant women;
In addition, the organizing committee will provide on-course on-going health checks to determine whether or not a participant’ health is suitable for him or her to continue racing. Those that don’t meet requirements will not be allowed to continue during the race. (If there are any objections, please refer to Section X: Protests and Appeals)

C. Registration Process:

1) Registration Details:


(a) Registration Timeframe: 9AM May 9, 2016 to 12PM June 8, 2016 (China local time)
(b) Registration Method:
Visit the official website (www.utms.com.cn), fill in and submit the registration form.
(c) If and after your entry is verified, you have 3 (three) working days to submit your electronic payment online. If payment is not received within this timeframe, this will be seen as you voluntarily forfeiting your registration spot.

2) Registration Fee:

(1)60公里组国内(包括港、澳、台地区)参赛者:每人1080元人民币;外籍运动员每人€150 , $170, HK$1300
42公里组国内(包括港、澳、台地区)参赛者:每人880元人民币;外籍运动员每人€120 , $ 140 , HK$ 1100

(1) 60km Race participants from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions) 1080RMB per person.
*Foreign athletes: 150 EUR; 170USD or 1300HKD.
42km Race participants from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions) 880RMB;
*Foreign athletes: 120EUR, 140USD or 1100HKD.


(2) Race Fee includes:
Race organization fees and permits
Participant race bag with race clothing, race bib number, race manual, etc.
Timing services and GPS tracking
On-course supplies and aid station supplies
Transportation costs to and from the 4 Sisters race location
Accommodation and meal expenses during participants’ time in the 4 Sisters


(3) Specially invited athletes are exempted from registration fee when correspondingly notified by race director/committee.


(4) Candidates
Waiting list format: If at 9:00 on June 8, 2016, there are vacancies in the allotted participant caps, a limited registration for waiting list candidates will open. Applicable candidates can at that time visit the official website (www.utms.com.cn), fill in and submit the registration form. Participant bib transfer to another runner is not allowed at that time, nor can already-withdrawn participants re-register.


(5) Race Participant Withdrawal/Refund Policy
After the registration fee is received, if a participant decides he or she cannot compete in the race and appropriately notifies the race committee, approved withdrawals will be refunded according to the following schedule:
(a) before 12PM on July 8, a full refund will be given;
(b) before 12PM on August 8, 2016, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded;
(c) after 12PM on August 8, 2016, withdrawals and race bib transfers will no longer be accepted because of necessary logistics will already have been made. If a participant registers and doesn’t show up to the race (and was not applicable to be considered for a refund due to a late request), the race committee will send his or her race packet to him/her after the race date via post.


(6) Race packet collection:
(1) All participants will receive official race apparel, bib numbers, and race manual
(2) Participants need to bring a personal ID card, military ID or original passport to the Chieftain Sunshine Hotel on November 2nd or 3rd between the hours of 9: 00-
17: 30 to receive race packets. For more information, please read the "Packet Collection” section on the race website, follow the official race social media channel, or the government WeChat page for this race.

IX. Registration & Race Day Procedures:


(A) All participants are required to meet the corresponding requirements before they can register for this race. There will be no lottery for this race. All applications must be submitted online along with all necessary registration information (health check, race experience if requested, etc.), and then only after approval by the race committee and successful receipt of your payment within the 3 days will you be confirmed as a participant and assured of a race spot. All race spots are offered on a first-come, first-served basis until all spots are allotted.


(B) Participants shall only rely upon personal power to proceed through and finish the race and cannot rely upon any means of mechanical, motorized, animal power or any other means. All offenders will be disqualified without exception.


(C) All participants must be at the gathering area of the start line at the predetermined time before their race start to report in, undergo gear check, etc.


(D) Race start: The 60km race starts at 2AM (yes, in the morning!) on November 5. The 42km race kicks off at 5AM on November 5th. For both the 60k and 42k races, after the CP1 cut-off time passes, participants that were cut off will no longer be allowed to remain on the racecourse.


(E) All participants must depart each aid station before its respective cut-off time elapses or he/she will be disqualified, forfeit a bib number and disallowed from continuing on the course.
-Closing times are as follows (recorded according to gun time):
In order to ensure the safety of athletes, 60k participants must finish within 20 (twenty) hours and 42k participants cut-off time is 13 (thirteen) hours. Along the way, each CP has it’s own assigned intermediate cut-off time. Athletes that are cut off at CPs along the route must stop immediately and return to the start/finish line area to avoid danger.
Any athletes who voluntarily drop out along the course are required to report to the nearest CP, fill out the "Race Retirement Form”, hand over one race bib, and make appropriate communication and arrangements to return to the finish area.


(F) On the use of rescue horses:
Those who retire or are cut off by closing times will be assessed by on-course medical personnel and judged whether or not he/she has the ability to return back to the finish line on their own power or not. If judged unable to due physical or mental duress, the race staff will arrange free transport via horse to carry the athlete back to the finish area. However, if the athlete is deemed capable of returning under their own power, yet wants to ride a horse back, he/she will need to pay 300RMB out of their own pocket to do so.


(G) Gear check/storage:
All contestants must adhere to the guidelines to store appropriate personal items and must not store valuables in their gear bags (such as mobile phones, identity cards/ documents, cash, credit cards, keys, etc). Participants can retrieve their gear bag at the end of the race whenever he/she arrives back to the finish area. If you are unable to collect your bag immediately after the race, you can retrieve it the next day from the event organizers. If bags are not collected within three days, the organizing committee will deal with the unclaimed items.


(H) Medical Care/First Aid:
1, Free care will be provided at the start, along the way and at the finish line for all participants as needed.
2, Along dangerous sections of the course and as otherwise needed, mountain rescue workers will be present/available.
3, Along the racecourse, medical service stations will be manned to assist in and provide care, maintain race safety, and provide help or information as requested by participants.
4, If, during the course of the race, an athlete is deemed unfit to continue on by medical staff or a doctor, that athlete needs to comply with the judgment and complete the race retirement formalities as outlined in Section IX.E.

(I) Equipment Requirements:


1, The race committee will provide the following items that must be carried in full for the entire duration of the race:
(1) Race bib: 1 set / person (each containing two large and one small numbers). One large bib each is to be affixed in plain sight to the chest and back (or on vest, but always visible and not obstructed by additional clothing that may be worn later on in race). Small bib is to affixed to gear storage bag.
(2) Timing bracelet: 1/person. Participants are required to wear the timing bracelet as outlined in the race packet for the accurate recording of his/her time. It must swiped at each CP as required and handed over at race finish to ensure a valid, accurate result. Finish medals and certificates, awards, etc. will not be handed over to athletes who do not comply with these rules (see detailed information in the race manual);
(3) Safety Monitoring System: The organizing committee will prepare a GPS device for each participant. Each participant from the race start until the finish is required to carry this device and ensure normal operation of it (i.e. do not turn it off);
Note: Each participant, upon receiving race packet, needs to pay 100RMB deposit for his/her timing bracelet and 500 RMB for the GPS beacon. Upon approved receipt/handover of the bracelet and beacon, the participant will receive his/her deposit back. If items are lost or damaged and participant is found to be at fault, the deposit will not returned. Please pay attention to and ensure normal operation of the timing bracelet and GPS device upon packet collection;
(4) Course map.


2, Mandatory Equipment (must carry in full at all times):
Mobile phone (with local SIM card)
Headlamp or flashlight (with spare batteries)
Warm clothing: Top layer made of wool, fleece or down (minimum weight 200 g) and wind/water-repellant pants.
Emergency space blanket (minimum size 130 cm x200 cm)
Capability to carry not less than 1L water
Emergency food supply (not to be consumed in normal course of events)
Sealed/Ziploc bag (for storing personal trash that is generated)
Drinking cup (Race will not provide disposable cups, please bring your own portable glass to enjoy a range of drinks at aid stations)

备用头灯或电筒 (附电池)
医疗用品较齐全的救护包(消毒纱布、包扎带、水泡贴 、消毒纸巾、止痛药等、以及任何适当的个人药品)(建议药物:阿司匹林、扑热息痛、芬必得、6542片、克痢痧、息斯敏/扑尔敏、止血纱布、弹性绷带等)

3, Other Equipment (recommended to carry):
Anti-chafing cream
Sunscreen/UV lip balm
UV protective eyewear
Spare clothing/socks
Spare headlamp or flashlight (with batteries)
Hiking sticks
Disposable/lightweight raingear
Personal first aid kit (sterile gauze, bandages, blister care kit, disinfectant wipes, Ibuprofen, as well as any appropriate personal medications).


(J) Equipment check:
Mandatory equipment checks will be carried out at the race start and at random at CPs along the course. If an athlete is found to be without a required item, he/she will be penalized or disqualified as determined by the race committee.


(K) Compliance Penalties:
The Organizing Committee will arrange to have a referee at the start, end and at each CP/aid station. Any violations of the following provisions will result in disqualification from the race and results made void; the athlete will banned from other races put on by this race committee and this race for at least two years and in serious cases, a lifetime ban will be served.


1, If false identities are provided or used during the registration process;
2, participants carry other participants’ timing bracelets or a runner carries two or more timing bracelet at the same time;
3, does not start the race in accordance with the regulations;
4, after cut off by the closing time, an athlete does not retire from the course and return to the finish area (except as race staff/referee allows);
5, not following the set racecourse as marked out, missing a CP, or making shortcuts by foot or accepting outside help (or using other means of transportation to travel or make shortcuts);
6, not following race regulations for finishing the race and collecting items;
7, not adhering to regulations on affixing two race bibs on front/back of body and not following regulations on handing them in after completing the race/returning to finish area if retired or cut off by closing time;
8, secretly employing or using forged/handmade bibs or bibs from other races in order to to receive finishers awards/medals;
9, unauthorized alteration, or hiding/obscuring race bib numbers or illegal transfer;
10, passing through CPs or crossing the finish line wearing a timing chip that is not his/her own;
11, relying upon outside help or ‘relay’ method to finish the race;
12, does not obey the race staff commands, causes disruptions trouble;
13, any uncivilized behavior (such as open defecation, blatant disregard for environment, not adhering to Leave No Trace principles, littering, etc.);
14, not carrying the required items;
15, oxygen-absorbed &carrying the oxygen device;
16, or acting in violation of any other race requirements/regulations.
Note: The consequences of using false information to qualify or obtain unauthorized race registration or to transfer race bibs or the private transfer thereof rests wholly upon the concerned participants.


(L) Race cancellation:
If the race conditions are not conducive to ensure a safe passage for athletes, including but not limited to fire, thunderstorms, earthquakes, storms, mudslides, landslides, etc, the race committee reserves the right to adjust the route or start time for the events or to cancel the races if necessary. If due to but not limited to natural disasters, war, demonstrations, disease outbreaks and terrorist events, in any event if the races are cancelled as a result of a force majeure event, no entry fees will be refunded.


(M)For other specific requirements and arrangements (XIII), please read "Information for Participants."

X. Arbitration and Appeal


Any appeal of competition results, Referees’ decisions, athlete race qualification objections or complaints/appeals, etc. requires that the athlete submit a written report to the Complaints Committee of the Arbitration Commission and pay 500RMB fee in order for the Arbitration Commission to accept an appeal. If the
Appeal is successful, the appeal fee will be refunded; if the appeal fails, the fee will not be refunded.

XI. Insurance


Race Organizing Committee has public liability insurance (does not include entrant's personal accident insurance); The race committee will present all participants with personal insurance, but it is strongly recommended that in light of ones own needs, additional insurance be purchased.

XII. Organizing Committee Contact

联系电话:+86 28 69293380
官方Facebook:Ultra Tour Mt Siguniang

Address: High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Gao Peng Road District No. 23
Tel: 028-69293380 400-690-6250
Customer Service Email: info@utms.com.cn
Official race website: www.utms.com.cn
Official Weibo/blog: Kailas Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang
Official micro letter: Kailas Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang
Official Facebook: Ultra Tour Mt Siguniang

XIII. Not completely matters, follow further notice.

XIV. This interpretation belongs to the committee procedure.

Kailas Ultra Tour Mt. Siguniang (UTMS) Race Committee

四川省 阿坝藏族羌族自治州