
2017 永康半程马拉松参赛声明

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿



1. 我自愿参加2017年永康半程马拉松及一切赛事相关活动(以下统称“比赛”),我确认本人具有参加本赛事相应的民事行为能力和民事责任能力,并且已获得监护人的同意;

2. 我确认全面理解并同意遵守主办单位及协办机构(以下统称“组委会”) 所制订的各项规程、规则、规定、要求及采取的措施;

3. 我确认已认真阅读了组委会就选手参加本次马拉松赛可能发生的一切风险(包括但不限于因本次运动所可能产生的人身伤亡风险)的提示,我在此明确同意将自行承担参加“永康半程马拉松”所可能存在的风险和责任;

4. 我承诺已通过正规医疗机构进行体检,并结合检查报告进行自我评估,确认自己的身体状况能够适应于长跑运动,已为参赛做好准备,承诺愿意承担参赛可能带来的风险(包括但不限于因本次运动所可能产生的人身伤亡风险);

5. 我参加此次比赛以及参赛全过程所发生的人身伤害、局部或永久性伤残、死亡、医疗或住院费用、财产损坏、任何形式的盗窃或财产损失等事项,由我自己承担全部责任,免除组委会责任,组委会对此不承担任何形式的赔偿;

6. 我授权赛事组委会及指定媒体无偿使用本人的肖像、姓名、声音等用于永康半程马拉松的宣传与推广;

7. 我将向组委会提供身份证件用于核实本人身份及参赛资格,保证提交的身份证件和文件资料真实有效,并承担因提供不实信息所产生的全部责任,组委会据此有权拒绝提供参赛资格,并不予退返前期支付的报名费用;

8. 我承诺以自己的名义报名参赛,不将报名后获得的参赛资格及号码布以任何方式转让给他人,并承担因转让参赛资格及号码布所出现的全部责任与后果;

9. 我同意在比赛前和比赛期间不得损害、更改及遮盖马拉松官方号码布,按照参赛要求穿着赛事参赛服装,并同意组委会发现该项违规后有权取消本人的参赛资格;

10. 我同意在参赛过程中遵守裁判、医疗人员和安保人员的要求,在关门时间未完成比赛、身体不适及赛道出现突发状况时主动退出比赛,并承担因本人坚持比赛所产生的全部责任与后果;

11. 我同意接受组委会在比赛期间提供的现场急救性质的医务治疗,但在医院救治等发生的相关费用由我自理;

12. 我同意组委会以我为被保险人投保了人身意外险,我确认已知悉并同意保险合同的相关内容。




赛事者签名: 年龄(周岁): 签署日期:


参赛者签名: 年龄(周岁):

监护人、管理人或法定代理人签名: 签署日期:

2017 Yongkang Half Marathon Participants’ Declaration

All participants shall read 2017 Yongkang Half Marathon Rules and Regulations thoroughly and carefully before entering. By submitting your entry data for application, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to abide by all terms and conditions of 2017 Yongkang Half Marathon Rules and Regulations and 2017 Yongkang Half Marathon Entry Instruction, and to have signed and submitted disclaimer contained therein.

I myself, as participant, my guardian, my custodian, legal representative and any other person who may institute a claim or lawsuit on my behalf, hereby make declaration as follows:

1. I myself voluntarily enter the 2017 Yongkang Half Marathon and all related activities (hereinafter referred to as “the Event”). I hereby confirm that I have the capacity for civil conduct and liability to participate in the Event, and have obtained consent from my guardian(s);

2. I hereby confirm that I have fully understood and agreed to abide by all rules, regulations, prescripts, requirements stipulated and measures assumed by the 2017 Yongkang Marathon Organizing Committee and co-organizer(s) (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizers”);

3. I confirm that I have carefully read the notices issued by the Organizers on all possible risks (including but not limited to possible risk of casualty resulted from the Event) of participants in participating in the Event, and I hereby explicitly agree to assume by myself all possible risks and liabilities in participating in the Event;

4. I hereby pledge that I have had a physical check-up conducted by a qualified medical institution and then self-evaluated based on its physical check-up report. I confirm that I am physically fit for long-distance running, and I am prepared for participation in the Event. I pledge that I will assume all possible risks arising from or in connection with participation in the Event (including but not limited to possible risk of casualty resulted from the Event);

5. I confirm that I will be solely liable for, and hereby exempt the Organizers from, any and all personal injury, partial or permanent disability, death, medical treatments or hospitalization expenses, property damage, theft or property loss of any form resulted from my participation in the Event or occur in the entire duration of my participation in the Event. The Organizers shall assume no liability of compensation in any form;

6. I hereby grant permission to the Organizers and their designated media to utilize my appearance, name, voice and other personal information without charge for the publicity and promotion of 2017 Yongkang Half Marathon;

7. I will provide to the Organizers my ID card /certificate to verify my personal identity and eligibility to participate. I guarantee the ID card /certificate submitted is true and valid. I will be solely liable for any untrue information submitted. In such circumstances the Organizers may refuse to grant eligibility of participation, and the paid entry fee is not refunded;

8. I pledge to enter and compete in my name. I will not transfer my eligibility of participation and the bib obtained after entry to any other person in any form. I shall be liable for any and all consequences resulted from such transfer;

9. I agree to not deliberately damage, change or mask my bib number before and during the Games. I will abide by the dressing code. The Organizers reserves the rights to cancel my eligibility of participation if I fail to do so;

10. I agree to obey requirements from judges, medical staff and security staff during the Event. I will quit willingly the competition if I do not finish the competition before cut-off time, become physical discomfort or face any unexpected incident occurring on the track. Otherwise, I am solely liable for any and all consequences if I insist not to quit in such circumstances;

11. I agree to accept the on-site first aid provided by the Organizers during the competition, and I shall bear the expenses by myself for any medical treatment occur in hospital and so on;

12. I accept the personal accident insurance provided by the Organizers, and I confirm that I understood and accepted the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.

I myself, my guardian, my custodian, legal representative hereby pledge that I will not make any claim against the Organizers for my personal injury and property loss which is not caused by the Organizers; I myself, my guardian, my custodian, legal representative hereby explicitly acknowledge and agree that the Organizers shall be held not liable for any personal injury and property loss of mine which is not caused by the Organizers.

I myself and my guardian, custodian, legal representative have fully understood and agreed with the aforementioned terms and conditions, and guarantee the truthfulness of my ID and age for entering. This document is signed by myself and my guardian, custodian, legal representative in person. Signing up in false impersonation shall be deemed as breaching, and I myself, my guardian, custodian, legal representative and imposter shall be liable for all consequences and compensation.

Please note Chinese version prevails if there is any discrepancy between two versions.

(This page is for signature only)

Participant above 18 of age (including 18) sign here

Signature of participant:

Age: Date:

Participant under 18 of age sign here

Signature of participant:

Signature of guardian, custodian or legal representative:

Age : Date:

浙江省 金华市
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